Honolulu Bible Church
Morning Worship Service
April 6, 1997



Sermon #7 - Christ's Letter to the Church at Pergamos - Revelation 2:12-17

INTRODUCTION - The letters which Christ writes to the churches of Revelation prove to be not only pertinent and helpful to the people of God in those days, but they continue to teach and instruct the bride of Christ through every generation. As we listen carefully to what the Spirit says to the churches, we are able to examine our own church life both individually and collectively, in light of the Christ who walks in our midst. The Ephesian church teaches us to be orthodox, but to also watch our love for God and others. Love can grow cold in the midst of solid orthodoxy. The church at Smyrna teaches us how to persevere in the midst of tribulation. Both the Romans and the Jews had become enemies of the church, yet Smyrna is told to be faithful till death, for eternal life was their reward. This morning we shall turn our attention to the Church at Pergamos, and learn from their example that it is possible to hold to the faith of Christ, and yet to compromise.

1) THE GREETINGS TO THE CHURCH OF PERGAMOS - Revelation 2:12 - Pergamos was the Roman capital of Asia, located on a huge rocky mountain, and filled with pagan idol worship. The god of healing, Zeus, and the Roman emperors were all worshipped at Pergamos. Thus, it would become a difficult city for Christians who refused to call Caesar "lord" and who refused to bow before man-made idols.

2) THE DESCRIPTION OF CHRIST - Revelation 2:12 - Here we see Christ pictured with the sharp two-edged sword which comes forth from His mouth (Revelation 1:16). This sword is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12) which is able to divide soul and spirit, conquering the hearts and minds of men. Thus, we are shown Christ ready for battle. Yet let us realize that in this letter the war is not against the enemies of Christianity - the Jews or Romans. Instead, as we shall see, Christ has come to discipline and refine His church by the sword of the Word of God. We must remember that Christ wants a holy church, and certainly He is in our midst today to discipline and chasten us into His holy people. How will you stand up this morning as the sword of Christ examines and refines you? Will paganism and immorality be found in our midst?

3) THE PRAISE GIVEN TO THE CHURCH AT PERGAMOS - Revelation 2:13 - The Christians living in Pergamos found the city to be the "throne" of Satan. One of their own had already been martyred in the city. Again, this was probably due to the fierce loyalty which the city held to the Roman government. Christians would refuse to bow to the emperor or worship at his temples. Through all of this tribulation and persecution, we find that the church of Pergamos remained faithful to the Lord. They did not deny Christ before the pagan multitudes.

4) THE REBUKE GIVEN TO THE CHURCH AT PERGAMOS - Revelation 2:14, 15 - Yet, despite their loyalty to the name of Christ, there is still compromise in the midst of this church as some in their congregation "ate things offered to idols and committed sexual immorality." Here is a church which may faithfully stand for the name of Christ, while at the same time turn to pagan practices and immorality. This might seem incredible to us, and yet idolatry and immorality can easily be found today within the ranks of those who profess themselves to be Christians. A double-standard Christianity certainly exists, where men find themselves professing Christ with one hand while fellowshipping with the world with the other In the description of Pergamos' sin, we find Christ referring to the Old Testament incident of God's people in the wilderness, as they faced Balaam and Balak (Numbers 22-24; 31:16). When Balak could not destroy the children of Israel through outright war, he followed the plans of Balaam by introducing pagan idolatry and pagan women into their midst. So it is with the devil and the church. If he cannot destroy us through outright persecution, he will turn to the means of idolatry and immorality. By introducing them into the church in the form of worldliness and immorality, the devil can try to destroy the church of Jesus Christ. We should note that it would be these two areas which the Council at Jerusalem would warn the churches about (Acts 15:28,29). The people of God are not to be conformed to this world (Romans 12:1,2). Many believers profess to reject the world, profess to reject worldly things, but secretly they are drinking from paganism and immorality. Thus, this morning we must truly examine our profession of faith and the actions which come from that profession. Are we saying we love Christ while at the same time living immoral and idolatrous lives in the world? What will Christ do to such people?

5) CHRIST'S WARNING TO THE CHURCH AT PERGAMOS - Revelation 2:16 -These people are in need of a sharp rebuke, and it will come from the sword which proceeds from the mouth of Christ. If the church does not repent, if it does not turn from paganism and immorality, Christ will judge them with the Word of God. He will come to those who are compromising and they will have to fight against God. Who do you think will win in such a contest? Idolatry and immorality will not go unchecked in Christ's church. Either repent and put the evil away from you, or face the Son of God. How many have been removed from the church because they were not willing to repent, but were judged by Christ? Let us not take His warning lightly, but let us seriously examine our lives this morning, asking God for forgiveness and grace, mercy and cleansing, if we have committed idolatry or immorality against His holiness. To not do so will bring the wrath of the Son against us and the church.

6) CHRIST'S EXHORTATION TO THE CHURCH AT PERGAMOS - Revelation 2:17 As in the other letters, we are called to listen attentively to what the Spirit of God says to the churches. Are we listening carefully? Are we examining ourselves for idolatry and immorality? A church which takes these letters seriously will find great blessing given to them from the Lord.

7) CHRIST'S PROMISES GIVEN TO THE CHURCH AT PERGAMOS - Revelation 2:17 - "Hidden manna" and "a white stone with a new name" are the gifts given to those who overcome in Christ's name. It is unclear what Christ means absolutely in these gifts, yet we can find parallels in the Scriptures which may be used in giving us an idea of what is meant here. Manna was the bread given to God's people in the wilderness. The Christians in Pergamos were feeding from pagan idolatry and immorality, and were called to return to the food of God. Certainly the bread of the Christian is Christ Himself (John 6:32-35) and as manna was for the support and nourishment of God's people in the wilderness, so the Lord continues to feed us with His Son. It is "hidden" for it is only known to the people of God. No one else has the right to enjoy this but God's overcoming people. Here is the promise given to those who overcome. The "white stone with a new name" is a little more difficult to interpret. At best we may say that the "white" represents the holiness of God's people. In the Old Testament there were stones inscribed with the names of God's people set into the clothing of the high priest. In both Old and New Testaments, Christians are promised to be called by a new name (Isaiah 62:2; 65:15; Revelation 3:12; 14:1; 22:4), that is, the name of their God. So we see from Pergamos that we are not to identify ourselves with the world, for God's name is upon us. We are not to find our nourishment from the world, for the Lord feeds us with His Christ. Let us beware of mixing our faith with immorality and paganism. Such things are still possible for the church today! Let us repent of these evils, or else we shall find ourselves fighting with the Christ of Revelation!

Honolulu Bible Church

Morning Worship Service

April 13, 1997



Sermon #8 - Christ's Letter to the Church at Thyatira - Revelation 2:18-29

INTRODUCTION - As we study Christ's letters to the seven churches, we find that their applications will run throughout all of church history. These letters have become extremely practical for the people of God throughout all time. The Ephesian letter told us that it is important to be doctrinally sound but to beware that we do not lose our love. The letter to Smyrna was a church in the midst of tribulation. The Christians there show us that we are to remain faithful, even under great persecution. The letter to Pergamos showed us that if persecution fails to bring down the church, Satan will use the sins of immorality and idolatry from within the church to try and destroy her work. This morning we shall turn to the letter written to the church at Thyatira to learn more about Christ and His people.

1) THE GREETING TO THE CHURCH AT THYATIRA - Revelation 2:18 - This city was known for its immense trade and manufacturing crafts. Wool, linen, pottery and leather were just some of the many trades in the city. Lydia, the seller of purple who comes to Christ in Philippi, was from this city. Yet to earn a living through a trade meant that you had to belong to one of the many guilds (or unions) in the city. Each of the guilds had their own god to worship and so, you would be expected to make offerings to that god for the good of the trade. How could a Christian operate under such conditions? Here we see the difficulty which arises in every generation of Christianity - being faithful to Christ in the midst of a godless business world. Some Christians have endeavored to separate their lives into a so-called "secular" and "sacred" divisions, but such differences are unbiblical. All of life is sacred for the Christian (I Corinthians 10:31) and biblical principles must be used to glorify God at work. We cannot excuse lying, cheating, greed, or any other immoral sin, just because we might lose our jobs. Instead, we must endeavor to glorify Christ in every area of the workplace.

2) THE DESCRIPTION OF CHRIST - Revelation 2:18 - Jesus calls Himself the "Son of God" (the only place this title is used in Revelation). By this He confirms His deity and lifts Himself above the Roman emperors who also claimed deity and sonship from their gods. Christ challenges the paganism and emperor worship of the day, and Christians are called to remain faithful to His lordship. He is also pictured with those flaming eyes and feet of brass, referring to His piercing gaze into the hearts of men and the strength with which He comes into the world to do His work. With feet of brass He is able to conquer His enemies and to stand firmly in His church as its foundation.

3) THE PRAISE GIVEN TO THE CHURCH AT THYATIRA - Revelation 2:19 - There is much good happening in this church. It is a busy place, filled with the works of love, faith, service and perseverance. They had a love which the church of Ephesus lacked. They were probably involved in deeds of kindness throughout the city. Their trust in Christ was strong and they steadily advanced in their good deeds to the point that they were doing more now than they had done at the beginning. Certainly we must strive for these works. To simply talk about doing things without doing them is worthless. Yet at the same time, it seems like Christ is raising this church up only to bring it down through rebuke, for though they had good works, they were guilty of great sin and heresy. Here we see a type of church which is very typical in our own day. It might be filled with love and the fellowship might be wonderful. There might be a lot of activity. Yet if this is the state of the church today, we should ask: Why isn't it making a real impact on the world around it? Why is our country in such a terribly immoral state? Why is the church still laughed at? Why has God not blessed these works with the Spirit of revival? We might try to blame the depravity of mankind, but this is not the reason. Why are there so many shallow Christians in these churches? Why are there so many weak and unstable Christians in our midst? Yes, there might be love and works, but we are seeing an incredibly flippant and shallow church come forth from this. The reason for this is shown in the rebuke which Christ gives to the Christians in Thyatira.

4) THE REBUKE GIVEN TO THE CHURCH AT THYATIRA - Revelation 2:20,21 - Despite all of its good works, the church was falling headlong into heresy. One who claimed to be a prophetess in this church stood up and she is allowed to speak. Instead of being silenced, instead of being disciplined by the leadership, she is given free reign and manages to seduce members of the congregation with her so-called inspired teachings. This happened in a church which was full of love, faith, patience and service! This is exactly the opposite of what was happening in Ephesus. Thus, we see the two sides to the same coin. It is wrong for a church to be orthodox without love, yet it is equally wrong and destructive for a church to be loving without doctrine and discernment. Both extremes will destroy the church of Jesus Christ. Yet we have seen the extreme of Thyatira in many churches today. We are told that "doctrine divides and love unites" thus, so many churches have laid aside their orthodox distinctives, allowing for great heresies to permeate the church. Christ calls this false prophetess "Jezebel" after the Old Testament queen who led the people of God astray through immorality and paganism (I Kings 25,26; II Kings 9:22). So, we see this woman's answer to the "trade guild" problem in Thyatira. She taught that it was fine to join the pagans in their feasts and idolatry, while still maintaining Christianity. What should amaze us is that such a busy church could be overthrown by such wicked doctrines. Yet we must understand that if a church is only loving, only faithful, only patient, only full of good works, and is not growing in the riches of biblical doctrine, it will be unable to stand against the attacks of heresy. Church members will fly off into all sorts of extremes. We only have to look around at the church today to find numerous examples of this happening. We must also see here that the pastors of these churches, though training their people well in love and service, have failed to prepare them for doctrinal attack. Such a church will eventually be destroyed if it does not begin to recognize the false doctrine in its midst and do something about it.

5) CHRIST'S WARNING TO THE CHURCH AT THYATIRA - Revelation 2:22-25 - The woman who brought the heresy into the church was given time to repent, but she refused. Thus, Christ judges her, and anyone else who follows her, with great tribulation. The bed of pagan lust becomes a bed of sickness and death for those who try and blend immorality and idolatry with Christianity. Christ will judge His church (I Corinthians 11:27-29) and so we must strive for both love and doctrine in all that we aspire to think and do. As this "Jezebel" is judged, so all the churches will know that Christ disciplines His church.

6) CHRIST'S PROMISES GIVEN TO THE CHURCH AT THYATIRA - Revelation 2:26-28 - Yet what happens if they repent? What happens to those who remained faithful in Thyatira and did not plunge the depths of Satan's false doctrines? There are two promises given, both of which are related to the person of Christ. The Lord quotes Psalm 2 to this church, showing that He is the conquering Lord and ruler of this world. He has placed His people in this world to go forth with the Gospel of the Kingdom. As a result, the very power which Christ has over the nations will be given to the church, thus, their endeavors in the world will be successful, for Christ leads them and overthrows the nations with the Word of His mouth. All who do not "kiss the Son" (Psalm 2:12) and reconcile themselves with Him will feel the power of His destruction. Yet here we are told that it is the church who will be the vessel which Christ will use to carry out His purposes. As He is King and the Son of God (Psalm 2:6,7) and as He has been given the nations as His inheritance (Psalm 2:8), so Christ comes to the nations through the church, demanding repentance and faith, or else they will be crushed. The faithful church should realize her position in this world and go forth proclaiming Christ's Gospel. By doing this, the church has become a weapon for either reconciliation or destruction in this world through its preaching of the Gospel. These powerful words would be of great encouragement to a small and seemingly insignificant church like Thyatira. How much more these words are meaningful to us who are in a land which seems so lost and hopeless! Secondly, Christ promises the morning star to the faithful church. The "morning star" is actually Christ Himself (Revelation 22:16) and so we see that He is our inheritance. The ultimate reward of the Christian is Christ Himself!

7) CHRIST'S EXHORTATION TO THE CHURCH AT THYATIRA - Revelation 2:29 - Once more we are asked to listen to what the Spirit says to the churches. Such a message is of paramount importance today when we see an extremely busy church, yet a church on the verge of doctrinal collapse. Let us renew good works in our congregation while maintaining a strong, healthy understanding of the Word of God. By this, we shall protect God's people from heresy and go forth into this world with the conquering Gospel of Christ's kingdom!

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