Honolulu Bible Church
Morning Worship Service
November 23, 1997



Sermon #32 - The Sixth Seal - The Church's Worship - Revelation7:9-17

INTRODUCTION - In our study of the sixth seal of Revelation, we must endeavor to keep all of the elements together, for they form an integral picture of the church. When the sixth seal is broken, we are introduced to the prophetic language which God uses when He judges a nation. The judgment of the first century was against apostate Israel, thus, as the sixth seal breaks, the pronouncement of judgment is made. Yet before the actual judgment falls, a sealing must take place so that the people of God are protected. Thus, we see the counting and sealing of the 144,000, the true Israel of God, the remnant, the church. Finally, at the end of Revelation 7, we are shown an immense picture of the church of Jesus Christ which would rise out of those first century days of tribulation. The church would become an immense collection of people from every nation and tribe. This morning we shall conclude chapter 7 by noting the church's worship. Here we shall see the focal point of worship, the ones involved in the worship, and finally, the blessings which come to the church that worships God and Christ at the throne.

1) THE FOCAL POINT OF WORSHIP - Revelation 7:9,11,15 - As we read through this passage, we note that there is a point of convergence where everything is focused. What is the church looking at? What are the angels concentrating upon? The worshippers of Revelation 7 are consumed with the throne of God. It is here that they see the Father and Son. Such should be the focus of the church when she comes together for worship. If we can, in our worship, catch a spiritual glimpse of that throne, we shall find strength, comfort, answers, direction and fullness, flowing forth from that place. We have spent a week in the world, subjected to its trials, temptations, and confrontations. Yet the prospect of the Lord's Day and a time of worship at God's throne with God's people should lift our spirits. What will we see when we look upon the throne of God today?

A) WE SEE THAT WE MUST APPROACH THIS THRONE THROUGH CHRIST - The church must especially come to the throne in proximity to the Lamb of God. It is impossible to worship God apart from Christ. Men in this world think that it is possible to worship God in any way that they please, but Scripture is adamant that our worship be mediated through Jesus. He is there because we are sinners and sinners need a mediator to God (I Timothy 2:5). If we were to approach the throne without Christ, it would appear to us as a terrible and horrifying place where we would be consumed by our own wickedness in the face of a holy God.

B) WE SEE CHRIST ASCENDED TO POWER AND GLORY AT THE THRONE OF GOD - As Christ is pictured with the Father, so we see that He is co-equal and co-eternal with the Father. They share the same place in our worship. It is especially important for us to view Christ as the ascended Lamb of God. This is the state of Christ today, not at some future millenial age. All power and authority has been given to Him today (Matthew 28:18; Philippians 2:9-11) and the picture of this is His place at the throne of God. Thus, when we approach the Savior, we also approach Him as Lord in our worship.

C) WE SEE THIS PLACE AS ALSO THE THRONE OF GOD THE FATHER - To view this place as sinners without Christ would be terrifying. The throne of God is a place of absolute justice, holiness and wrath against sin. To come to God, we must first know Him in this sense - as the great Judge of the Universe. It is only then that we shall see our great need of Christ. When we see the Father, then we will also see the Son at the throne. It is not that the nature of God has changed because of Christ, but the view of God for sinners has changed through Christ. The justice of God is still outraged by sin, but the mercy of God is beautifully expressed through the presence of His Son. In our worship, let us remember that we approach the throne of the God of the Universe.

2) THE WORSHIPPERS AT THE THRONE OF GOD - Revelation 7:9-12 - There are two groups of worshippers found at the throne of God.

A) THE CHURCH OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST - We note that the church is made up of nations from all over the world and they come together as one voice to proclaim their worship to the Father and Son. We should note that they do not gather into their separate congregations and denominations. This is the way we should endeavor to view the church - not as Baptists, Independent Fundamentalists, Presbyterians, or Lutherans. Instead, we see that in the worship of God, denominational differences are unimportant to the Lord. Beware of allowing our differences to create such divisions that do not exist in the mind of God! Beware of dividing the church over matters which would cause her worship to be fragmented and disjointed. We should endeavor to work for the unity which is portrayed in this picture of the church.

Also, the vision of Revelation 7 does not present a small church, rather it is a gathering of people beyond number. This should convince us that the number of saved is certainly great, and that the Bible does not teach a falling off of the church, rather it shows us a filling up of the kingdom of God. Yet, at the same time, we know from the figurative number 144,000, that the church is numbered. It is a number which only God knows, vast and beyond our ability to count, yet the Lord knows how many. As we have said last time, the central theme of the church is the salvation which has been provided by the Father and the Son.

B) THE ANGELS WHO GATHER AT THE THRONE - The praise of the church has been regarding the salvation of God, and the angels respond to that salvation with their own worship. We should note that each of their praises begin with a definite article, and so they are saying to God, "The blessing, the glory, the wisdom, etc..., belong to You." They bless God for the work of salvation, and give Him the glory for such a great and magnificent plan. The angels praise the wisdom of God in salvation, thanking Him and honoring Him for what He has done. Finally, they worship the power and might of God, the power and might displayed in saving such a massive group of people for His glory!

3) THE BLESSINGS WHICH POUR FORTH FROM OUR WORSHIP AT THE THRONE - Revelation 7:15-17 - It is thought by some that these final verses are blessings of the heavenly state and that they do not apply to the church in this world. Yet when we begin to study these blessings, we shall see them as present blessings for the worshipping church. Have you come to worship God and Christ at the throne? Have you joined all the angels and saints in this praise? Then these are the blessing you may expect from that worship.

A) THE CONTINUAL PRESENCE OF GOD - The worshippers of God and Christ are promised their continual presence as they serve and worship. Surely this is our present hope (Ephesians 2:20-22; II Corinthians 6:16) as God dwells among us, Christ never forsakes us, and we are the Temple of the living God.

B) THE CONTINUAL PROVISION OF GOD - The worshippers of God and Christ shall never hunger or thirst again (John 6:35) for God is the One who shall supply all of our needs through the riches in Christ (Philippians 4:19).

C) THE CONTINUAL GUIDANCE OF GOD - Revelation 7:17 is reminiscent of Psalm 23 which makes promises to the Lord's people in this world. The Lord is our Shepherd and will lead us beside the still waters.

D) THE CONTINUAL COMFORT OF GOD - For the worshipper of God and Christ, the Lord has become the God of all comfort (II Corinthians 1:3,4), able to care for us through even the greatest of tribulations and troubles.

Here is the fulfillment of our worship. As we come to the throne of God as His worshippers, so we shall find all those things needed for this life. Therefore, let us go boldly to the throne of grace. Let us worship our God and Christ for the gracious salvation we have been given. Then, let us humbly receive those blessed gifts which come to the worshippers of God!

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